Wednesday 21 September 2011

Shot By Shot Analysis (Pricetag -Jessie J & B.O.B)

When taking into consideration what sort of camera angles and shots are used, it is easy to notice from tis shot by sho analysis that there are a varitey, however it is the same styled shots which are repeated atleast more than once, making it slightly repetitive. However the variety of shots may be so it isnt too repetitive, the idea that the same collection of shot angles and movements are used within the music video is probably so it doesnt get too confusing. The length of the shots are very fast with them all being around 1 second long and only one shot being 13 seconds long at the end. This will be so that the music video is given a fast pace feel and therfore suits the song, being upbeat and fast pace. When analysing wat is actually going on in the shot, i notice that there are around 3 different settings and locations by whih the editing flicks between, this is again so that it is kept simple, fast pace and at the same time given a variety. I also notice that the singer (Jessie J) is also ver much singing and dancing infront of the camera at every given opportunity emphasising that this style of music video is very much based on performance. Straight cuts are used consistently thrughout the whole music video gving it that simple feel and again allowing the music video to come across as fat pace. It is at the end where there is a change in transition and it fades to black, this will be in order to inform te audience that the music video has ended. I will take all of this into consideration when it comes to producing my music video as i seek for the same outcomes that this music video offers.

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