Friday, 9 December 2011

Ancillary Tasks


(bottom right; front cover, bottom left; back cover, top right; inside, top left; inside for CD to be placed)
After receiving my feedback I understood what i had to do in order to improve my Digipak. This meant to make it look more professional and less childish but at the same time keeping the boldness, colour and good  use of imagery. Using Fireworks again I began with the front cover to my Digipak where I kept the image the same in order to keep good attributes that were noticed in my draft. I then also kept the font style of my title as i feel as though this was something that helped my Digipak to look less childish. I then altered the colour of my font from simple rainbow colours to a more unique and professional rainbow pattern. I used this same rainbow coloured pattern and changed all the track list font also. As good use of imagery was a positive that was picked up on in my Digipak draft I decided to make the most of this and add another image that i had previously taken and added it to the inside of my Digipak, this also made it less simple especially after adding the track list to the inside also, my reasons for doing this was from taking a second look at my mock up and research and noticing that it was conventional to do so. Having made alterations to the inside, this meant that use of colour was therefore taken away, however with the background to where the CD is to be placed being blank and again too simplistic, I decided to add the colours of the rainbow in stripes, again linking to the title and the fact that colour was a good aspect that was pick up on in my feedback. When it came to the back of my Digipack i noticed that this was very much a part of my Digipak which from my draft made it come across as childish, therefore i stirpped it down, looked closely into other artists backs to there albums and decided to just place the track list down the centre as when people pick up an album and turn to the back this is conventionally what they expect to see and what they look for. There was also important things missing such as information and a barcode, therefore i took it upon myself to add these in small black font showing its professionalism and importance, but at the same time not overpowering anything else. Noticing that i had nothing along the side of my Digipak i felt it necessary to add the title to the album which is conventional as when people have their CD's in a CD shelf they know what album it is.
This is an example of another artists album back that influenced my own;

This shows my Digipak being produced in Fireworks.


My feedback suggests a lot of improvement, I feel as though I have understood my previous feedback well and done a good job at using it to make the correct improvements. Nearly everyone who gave feedback said that they thought it was a lot better, and that i have noticeably kept the attributes that worked well previously such as the use of imagery and emphasised upon them. Keeping the colour. It looks a lot less childish and links very well to my other media products and the title. However if there was one thing I were to change it would be to make it look as professional as it could have been, this could have been done by adding more, as I feel the use of information on the back cover allows that to look more professional.



After analysing my Mock up and experimenting with what would best suit the theme of my products there were changes I made whilst making the draft for my Digipak. I began with the front cover, by using the image that had been used in my magazine advert also and had been took throughout the filming of my music video, therefore it showed very good links to my other media products and I feel as though it helps the album to stand out. I also liked the use of simplicity with the cover. I thought to continue the idea of simplicity with the inside of my Digipack where, where the CD goes it is completely plain, where as the other side is exaggerating with the colours of the rainbow, I chose to do this not inly to keep it simple but also to emphasise and link my Digipak more and more to the name of the song and album. I then finished with the back of my Digipak, where after carrying out research I noticed that it was conventional to have the track list on the back. I also felt as though there was not enough branding of the name on the product and therefore looked to emphasise upon this by placing it twice mirroring one another beside the track list, I continued with the emphasis of the title by adding an actual image of a rainbow. Although i am slightly pleased with the front cover of my Digipak and the use of colour, i do feel as though a lot of alterations could be made as it comes across as slightly childish and unprofessional, I feel that this is down to, too much concentration on the idea that simplicity is key.


My feedback was as negative as I expected to be and the views were very similar to that of mine. Although it seems as though again the use of imagery, colour and boldness were looked upon as a good aspect of my Digipak, there were a lot of flaws which revolved around it being too simple. It was also described as looking 'childish' and 'unprofessional'. I will take my feedback into account and take closer look at my original ideas, I will also prevent it from looking too simple by adding more and changing parts which look unprofessional. Whilst doing this however I must remember what was like about my Digipak and ensuring that it continues to link to my other media products, which was also picked up on in my feedback.


Just like my magazine advert I look to emphasise on colour, boldness and the use of imagery. Although i aspire to ensure that my Digipak is at a very high standard I also look for there to be very clear links between my media products in order to make all of them relevant. Following this idea I plan to use the same image to what I did in my magazine advert, again with a colourful title positioned along the top. The colour I feel will help draw attention to the album and the use of imagery will make it come across as more intriguing. I also then plan to use another image that i have already taken with the same actress in order to emphasise on the similarities between the media products and a Doberman. After researching and looking into other Digipaks i notice that the track list is often placed on the inside as well as the black, I look to do the same in order to match traditional conventions. Keeping simplicity as a very important method when planning my Digipak i thought of the idea to add an extreme close up of colourful lips to the back of my Digipak, which is also going along with a theme i have of different coloured lips throughout my music video and the images used in my magazine advert. Colour being another important aspect of my whole theme, I think that exaggerating this on the background to where the CD is to be placed will help continue the whole theme of the products and title of the song, therefore i plan to use stripes of the colour of the rainbow.



Although I felt I had made the necessary changes that had been suggested in my feedback, I wasn't entirely happy with the outcome. I did feel as though it met the requirements however I felt as though it could do with looking a lot more professional, therefore using fireworks, I took the title and the image and started from scratch. Using the image as the main focus again I put the title back in the original place with its new font 'Times New Roman'. I then added a black band across the bottom third in order to hold my information, this way i felt it would look more formal. After doing so i continued to add the information taking away the four star rating and adding just as if not more promotional line of 'includes the international smash "Rainbow". And also ensured formality through adding the logo for iTunes, but yet making it unique by altering the colour of it to match better with the rest of the advert. Once the information had been placed onto the advert, it looked a bit bare, therefore continuing to strive for elegance, I added a small patterned line underneath each line, using the line and brush tool on the fireworks programme.


The feedback from my Final magazine advert was very positive, near enough everyone described it as 'professional' 'elegant' or 'sophisticated', which was what I was looking for when improving it from the original draft. One person even said 'I have no criticisms'. I therefore feel as though I have very much achieved what I set out to do with my Magazine advert and am happy with the way it has turned out. Although I made the necessary changes and i made a lot of them, it seems as though people have noticed the original attributes that have stayed from the original advert and this has allowed me to keep the good qualities that it had in the beginning of colour, boldness and good use of imagery.


After receiving feedback from my first draft of my magazine advert i began to understand the changes that i should make in order to make my magazine advert come across as less childish and more sophisticated, but at the same time keeping its original good attributes of having colour and boldness, and using the use of imagery effectively. I therefore began by keeping the main image as I feel this links very well to my other media products and helps the adverts to stand out. I then looked into changing the font of the title in order to make it look more elegant,Ii also repositioned the title whilst experimenting with the changes I could make and added another line of information 'Also Available On iTunes'.



By following my mock up i think i achieved the outcomes that i set out for. I began by editing the close up shot of Rheanne that was taken during filming and therefore will have great relation to the music video, to make it stand out more and her skin to look better, i then looked to my mock up for guidance as to how i was going to layout my magzine advert and i exprimented with different fonts. Sticking to the simplistic but colourful and bold theme i went with a normal font 'arial black' but altered it to suit my magazine advert better by using the colours of the rainbow, this also relates to the title itself. I then used the four star rating and 'New Album Out Now!' in order to promote the album through my magazine advert. I used again another normal traditional font such as 'times new roman' to really emphasise that simpicity is key, and tell the audience but as the image is the min part of my magazine advert i did not want to over power this.


The feedback came back quite positive, the audience seemed to like the idea of the magazine advert not overflowing with text and the use of boldness and colour through my imagery. However it seemsas though the main criticism is that is possibly to simple and not sophisticated enough, although they are happy with not too much text the majority do not fee as though i have offered enough and also that the font used possibly in the title is too childish and this could be altered in order to make my magazine advert more sophisticated. I will bare this in mind when it comes to producing my final magzine advert.


I very much like the idea of keeping my magazine advert simple, and allowing the use of imagery and colour to draw the audience in. The image that i plan on using i a close up that was took during filmin so that it therefore ver much relates to my music video, and the use of colour through the make up is able to be shown off at same time. In order to keep it simplistic i plan on not overcrowding te advert with information, however i do still seek to promote therefore i will add the infrmtion such as 'New Album Out Now!' and 'Also available on iTunes' as well as showing its four star rating. By not adding too much information i believe that this will leave the audience feeling intrigued after looking at the advert and will therefore seek to buy the album which is being promoted.

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