Thursday 1 December 2011


Because of the fact tha the song i am using comes across as very urban, i feel as though it woud be a good idea to match this by using urban areas in order to fulfill this idea. This is to include backgrounds such as a brick wall or a lot of colour.
Firstly i plan on filming on a private road that has a long brick wall down the side of it. a lot of grass area, broken down trees and a road. With the road being private this will make it easier to film as there will be less distractions and everything within the area can be experimented with and put to good use in order to make my music video as good as possible.This is located close to the queens medical centre ans i about a ten minute drive away.

Secondly i plan on filming in a friends garden, this is because there is such a variety of different aspect that could be used, for example, there are deep steps that would allow me to make the most of different camera angles throughout my filming, there are also a lot of flowers which would enhance the idea of adding a lot of colour into my music video, and along the side of the house there is an alley way with a brick wal either side, allowing me to emphasise on the idea of making my music video urban themed.

For my inside shots i plan on using a friends house again as this will allow me to use a plain white wall, so that when filming it is actuall what is going on in the shot that is more important rather than the background. I chose to use a friends house as it mkes things easier for the actress that i plan on using to get there and back.

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