Friday 9 December 2011

Final Music Video

After noticing that there was little time by which we could film, this meant taking time out of the media lesson in order to do the filming, this was good as a lot of the reshooting that needed to be done was outside, and with it being early afternoon this meant we had good lighting in order to do so. My reasons for completely refilming was because of the lack of quality from the camera i had used previously. Therefore I was now using a better camera cannon 500, which allowed me to get good quality shots.

Although I like the previous locations we had no way of getting there and the camera wasn't fully charged therefore we needed somewhere which was close to access of a plug. Rheannes (my actress) garden contained all the areas that allowed us to have more than one completely different set shots, for example we managed to get shots from an alley way consisting of a brick wall, high steps with grass area in the background linking to the lyrics of the song "the grass is greener on the other side", and on ground where there was a lot of colour from the flowers in the background.

We also came up with a new outfit idea for the ground shots of the flowers, to emphasise on the colour and help exaggerate the theme to the title of the song.

With plugs not being far by, this meant we were able to charge the camera and play the music at the same time, meaning the filming was able to go smoothly, the only problem that restricted us a little was the weather conditions as it began to rain. We began to resolve this by holding an umbrella over the camera in order to stop it from getting wet, however the need to keep moving around with the different setting and the need for moving shots meant that this was difficult, therefore I decided when I felt I had enough footage and moved onto doing the inside shots. Although the fact that I had access to a white wall the sudden change in darkness outside meant that shadowing was still slightly a problem, we experimented with the lights in order to get it as better as possible and continued to film. Our only problem with the inside shots were that the camera was struggling to focus, I tried different zoom levels, and got it to where I thought it was at its best but still it wasn't perfect.

Because of the problems that occurred editing was not as easy as it had been previously as I did not feel as though I had loads to work with. After getting my footage onto the computer I renamed all the files to make the process quicker and easier for me, as I knew what was what, I then imported it into adobe premier pro along with the track. I took it upon myself to look through the footage in order to find bit which really stood out and looked good, I then placed them in the correct places for the music video. Making sure that there wasn't the same setting jumping from one to another I filled the rest of my music video ensuring that all flowed well. There were aspects from my music video draft that I very much liked and after collecting feedback it seemed as though others did too that I wanted to carry on into my final music video, this included the part at the start where Rheanne is crawling, I thought I would work with this and make it look as weird as possible, I did what I had done previously and sped it up, but I also added a mirror of it so that it looked like there was two of her.

I also liked the use of flashing colours from my draft video which I also then included in my Final piece however I made the flashing a lot faster and added much more colour, this helps represent the title of the song. Once making sure that I had a flowing music video I then changes the brightness, contrast and colour balance of all the shots making sure that each location/setting from the filming was set to the same.

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