Thursday 1 December 2011

Risk Assessment

Health and safety of both me and those on set
A lot could happen on set, this includes people tripping over wires, injuries whilst the performer is dancing, people possibly tripping over things that are already in the location, and also any hazards that the location may bring.
I will prevent these risks, by not leaving wires just lay about, i will ensure that people walk around them, I will ask that my performer will warm up before carrying out any strenuous activity, i will make sure that no obstacles are in the way on arrival of the location, and look out for any hazards within the location such as cars, roads, ect.
Damage to the camera
There are many ways in which there can be accidental damage to the camera such as it being dropped, or accidentally pulled by someone tripping over wires coming from the camera.
This will be prevented by ensuring that everyone is aware where the wires are, and keeping good hold of the camera, and having it placed in its bag when not in use. Also i will ensure that everyone around can be trusted.
Damage to the camera equipment such as the tripod
Camera equipment such as the tripod could be broken down to misuse or accidentally from dropping or banging it against something.
I will ensure that not damage is done by allowing myself to be taught how to use all equipment properly before doing so, and also ensuring that when I am using it that i handle it with care.
Weather conditions
There is always a risk of the weather not going to plan, rain gives the risk of the camera and equipment getting wet. And if the weather conditions become dangerous then this may affect me and those being filmed.
Weather conditions cannot be controlled, however if there is light rain i will make sure that all equipment being used a long with the camera is sheltered to prevent any damage. And if the conditions do get too bad i will make the decision to stop filming and reschedule for another time.
Transporting problems
Depending on how the cast and crew plan on getting to the location of the filming there may be obstacles and risks of the way of transport breaking down, or people turning up at different times.
This cannot be prevented other than making it so that everyone takes the same transport to the location and goes together. And if someone cannot make it then to make the most of what is there and also reschedule for another time on top of that.

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